We are made in the image of God. When we were made, God's response was joy and excitement. He said we were good and God's plan for us was to walk with Him and steward Creation with love, hope, joy and peace.
But those first people erred and allowed sin into the world. Since then, we continue to err and the world has been broken ...
....and we are broken, lost, in the dark.
Made Whole
God wasnt done though. Any who seek to be what we were made to be, connected with God, could simply lean on God's forgiveness. Jesus Christ, God and man united in perfection, walked and lived as a human to identify with our suffering then He surrendered His life and took our brokenness. If we turn to Jesus, as billions have, we can be made whole again and connect with God. God, who still thinks "they are beautifully and wonderfully made" when thinking about you. God, who wants to be bigger for you than the big things in life that we face. It's more than religion or prayer. It's the Creator of the Universe reuniting with His beloved creation.
Found and in the Light
If you would like to be found and walk in the Light with your Maker and be the best you, then we would love to help. Feel free to reach out and connect. We'd love to help you on your journey.